Review: All I Want by JEWLS

Review by Ayris Ouderkirk


Light meets darkness with beauty and grace in JEWLS’ latest single “All I Want.” This song is a life force of its own; pulling you into its grasp to let you experience everything it has to offer. 

As the instruments fade in, the effects of the song can be felt immediately. The piano plays a wistful melody in the background as JEWLS’ voice, although delicate and breathy, cuts through like a knife. The change in tempo towards the middle of the song lifts you high above the clouds before the chorus brings you back down to earth again. And even then, you still feel swept off your feet. 

As a perfect mix of mystery, seduction, and gentleness, “All I Want” bridges the gap between eerie and ethereal. This raises the question: Is an angel calling me up or is a siren luring me down? 

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