Review: Calm Down by Bella Rios

Review by Isabelle Turner

Our favorite pop queen, Bella Rios, is back with her latest track “Calm Down”. Seeping confidence, strength and power, Rios is paving the scene for women in the music industry one passionate lyric at a time. 

Bella Rios has this indescribable infectious energy that makes her and her music so compelling. Rios is known for her ability to combine edgy and rock-like vocals with a catchy chorus, creating genre-bending tracks. Her mesmerizing voice creates instant-fans and she radiates authenticity. Following her success with single “Bitter”, Rios is back with another single “Calm Down” that continues to defy pop rules. 

In her latest track, “Calm Down” Rios creates a sense of feminine strength. With a thumping bass and empowering lyrics, this track exudes fearlessness and is addicting from the first second. Rios is unapologetically and authentically herself, and her passion for her art. Rios sings, “Listen to me closely, Don’t tell me to wait my turn.” This track is an extremely impactful commentary on the double standards that society continues to place on women. This forceful and confident track is a result of a carefully polished and evolved sound that emphasizes her place in the music industry. 

Fighting against the misogyny women in the music industry face, Rios’ new track is empowering and blazes a path for women in the music scene. 

If you haven’t listened to “Calm Down” you can do so now on Spotify! Be sure to follow Bella Rios on Instagram for more of her radiance.


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