Single Review: When the Wind Blows by Joe Pope

Review by Isabelle Turner

In a story dedicated to his late parents, Joe Pope’s latest release “When the Wind Blows” is heartfelt and beautiful. 


Joe Pope initially began his music career in 2019 with his debut album Ebb Tide. Blending folk with mainstream elements has allowed him to gain rapid recognition for his inviting voice and profound lyricism. His latest song “When the Wind Blows” adds to his artillery of stunning music. 

The beautiful track is expressive and reminds listeners of family. Joe Pope’s warm voice carries beautifully throughout the track, gliding over instrumentals and deep lyrics. While this sound fits entirely within his discography, what makes “When the Wind Blows” so extraordinary is the inclusion of young artist lucia. lucia’s voice comes in at the end of the track, elegantly offering a fresh contrast. 

Joe Pope’s “When the Wind Blows” is angelic and endlessly-playable, showing his talent within the music industry. We only hope that Pope and lucia continue to collaborate in the future to create masterpieces. 

Stream “When the Wind Blows” here and be sure to follow Joe Pope and lucia on social media for more stunning music.


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